ThumbCal 0.5
ThumbCal 0.5
ThumbCal 0.5 is a customizable fingerfriendly calendar application for Windows Mobile Pocket PC’s. You do not need your stylus anymore to navigate through months and years, tasks and appointments or to quickly create or delete them.
Main Features:
- month view with tasks, appointments, and appointments during several days
- week of year
- add/delete/view appointments and tasks
- add recurring and allday appointments
- set reminder time/date for an appointment
- multiple language support through unicode language files
- date/time formats automatically taken from device’s locale settings
- use own or original WM taskbar
- customizable colors and background images
- and some more …
Some notes on usage:
- In calendar view you can navigate through the years by swiping your finger from bottom to top or vice versa.
- To navigate through the months, swipe your finger from left to right or vice versa.
- In day view you can navigate between previous and next days with gestures (left/right).
- Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2003, WM5 or WM6 device
- your fingers
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